Describe a person spinners

Last updated: 15/11/2023
Describe a person spinners
Main Subject
Key stage
Writing skills: Characters
Resource type
Teaching ideas
Student activity

A resource written by specialists Victoria Honeybourne and Emela Milne, to help students to broaden their vocabulary, in particular when describing a character.

Great for describing people, this resource was designed for English lessons where you are teaching descriptive writing or character analysis, but could be adapted for PSHE lessons reflecting on feelings and behaviour.

The activity itself is featured in the PowerPoint presentation. The task comprises making spinners for characters: you'll need split pins and scissors for all students. There are three versions of the spinner template included on the slides: choose the most appropriate for your students depending on the extent of their existing vocabulary. In the accompanying Word document, there are teaching ideas for the spinners:

  • to check understanding of the descriptive vocabulary
  • as a word bank for creating characters in students' fiction writing or story-telling
  • to improve reasoning and deduction skills by playing 'Guess Who?'
  • to discuss characters.

Tips and ideas for further development of students' vocabulary are included. These are appropriate to any teacher leading on literacy across the curriculum.

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